In order to make supercomputing services more approachable to smaller entities the input from companies, individual research centres, startups, as well as large-scale computation service providers and IT specialists is needed. Lithuanian Innovation Centre is organising the workshop “Supercomputing for Companies” in Vilnius 6 May, 2019 to gather this insight.
The workshop is intended for supercomputing services providers and companies – current or potential users of such services. In the first part of the event, supercomputing resources in Lithuania, application cases and services will be presented. In the second part, moderated group discussion will take place to explore the vision for an ideal supercomputing platform. This platform would create access for small and medium enterprises, as well as IT and non-IT specialists and computing service providers to join forces and make supercomputing services more approachable.
Supercomputing resources are extremely relevant for entities that deal with large data sets and large-scale computations, modelling and/or simulations. They are also useful for those who are interested in applications of artificial intelligence, machine learning, image processing and such. Making these resources more accessible would significantly increase the speed of performed computational operations to various smaller entities involved with data computation.
During the workshop BalticLSC partners from Latvia and Estonia will also present the core essence of the project and its main goals as well as outcomes. Supercomputers and services that are available for companies will be presented by Vilnius University researchers. High-power and large-scale computing application cases, future prospects and training of talents in these areas will be presented by speakers from the Baltic Institute of Advanced Technology, Turing Society, Lithuanian ICT association INFOBALT and companies.
Date: 6 May, 2019
Place: Science Communication and Information Centre, Sauletekis av. 5, Vilnius, Lithuania.
In order to participate please register before 3 of May by filling in a registration form.