BalticLSC consortium partners met for the first time in 2021 to discuss the major outcomes of the project set for the forthcoming spring.
BalticLSC platform together with pilot cases and workshops to gather feedback from the potential end-users are among the major activities of the project planned for the forthcoming six months. With the demo version almost ready to introduce platform’s possibilities and functionalities to SMEs, business partners are gathering their resources for the final outreach for pilot cases, and the available demo version would definitely serve as an additional incentive for companies to get involved.
During the meeting, partners discussed the possibilities of attracting more pilot cases and what needs to be done to get more companies aware of BalticLSC platform. Partners shared their suggestions and insights gathered from the previous attempts to attract SMEs. Currently, the project already has some companies to work with and further develop the possibilities of the platform. However, partners anticipate that successful pilot cases could additionally attract even more companies to test the platform.
The partnership also dedicated a lot of time to the workshop planning. A workshop on organizing the workshops was held where business partners discussed the content, structure and agenda of the forthcoming workshops as well as the number of workshops that had to be held. In the meantime, the technical partners were working out the details of the platform and how to make it even more efficient as well as discussing the application of available pilot cases.
Consortium is also preparing instruction videos for potential end-users to ease their way into a platform. The two videos that were prepared last year will be later replaced with a more user-centered ones to make an experience of using a platform a smooth one. New videos will be uploaded on slightly updated website as it needs to incorporate the login to the platform as well as the demo version on how to use it. Partners expect to have everything ready by the very beginning of spring.
Every semester BalticLSC consortium members meet in one of the partnership countries for a face-to-face interaction regarding the implementation of the project. During those meetings partners discuss the status of the main project outputs, management and financial issues and the future of the joint endeavour everyone has married into.
However, due to the Corona-19 outbreak and cancelled or limited travel possibilities the meeting for the third semester will be held online. This decision has been unanimously agreed upon by the consortium during the last conference call in the beginning of June.
The forthcoming partners meeting will be dedicated mostly to BalticLSC official demo and Development Road Map as well as development of BalticLSC business model. During the meeting two parallel workshops will be held: one for the business side of the project, whereas the other one will deal with the technicalities of the BalticLSC system. Partners will convene two days in row to finalise the first half of the project before summer holidays.
If your company has a vast amount of raw, yet labelled, data that needs to be processed fast and efficient but you lack supercomputing power and even human resources to run major computations, BalticsLSC is under development to help you. Contact any of the consortium partners or fill in the survey to rest your case so that we could build our system (starting with a prototype) based on your needs and provide you with the services tailored to your particular situation. All computation services including consultations during the piloting phases of the system will be free of charge.
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