Two surveys have been launched to get the insights from smaller companies, individual research centers, startups, HPC service providers and IT specialists on the needs and possible requirements for the large-scale computing (LSC) environment that is being developed by BalticLSC consortium.
The first survey is dedicated to the end-users. The aim of the survey is to find out the current and future needs of companies and other institutions operating in different industries and research areas and in different Baltic Sea Region countries to perform complex computations. This includes the usage of technologies like artificial intelligence, numerical simulations, complex (big) data analytics, machine learning, optimization, image processing and many other.
The second survey is aimed at the HPC service providers. Its goal is to gather information about the variety of services that could be included in the BalticLSC environment as well as some technological solutions that work best with this kind of services. This includes questions regarding external collaborators for process modelling, certifications, secure internet connections etc.
Providing your input will grant a membership of BalticLSC community that comes with:
- free access to computation resources (throughout the duration of the project);
- opportunity to influence and shape the system in accordance to your own preferences and needs (project operates on first in first win basis);
- free training on using computation tools;
- free training on creating computations;
- partnership opportunities within the network.
Both surveys could be found here.